25 June 2008

November 2005 - South Pacific Adventure

Salina is Known ‘Round here as: Queen of the Heavies -- Yet she’s rather a small woman, so she presents us with a bit of a dichotomy. Speaking of dichotomies, my theme this month is the Boeing 747SP. I used to joke that the SP stood for Small and Puney. My first Trans-Pacific flight was LAX → Taipei on a China Airlines SP.
After hanging out in Hawaii for 2-3 months I was relaxed and ready to move on PHOTO_1 . Speaking of being relaxed, not only had I been tuning into http://www.plr.org/ every day, but I also saw this article in a big, famous magazine. So basically, what they are saying is taking a day a week to relax and hang out with family is a good thing! Cool – I wonder if taking a couple hours a day to hang out with FS is also a good thing?
Anyway, Salina had indicated that our next FOTM feature was going to be in Asia/SE Pacific somewhere, so even before the first of November I loaded up an Aerolineas Argentias SP and headed southwest. PHOTO_2 When you are flying west it makes for a long day – and my arrival into the beautiful Changi International was still in the late afternoon local time. PHOTO_3 Now, I planned several days to bask in the life of THIS island’s food and culture.
Wednesday, November 2nd, 08:00 AM local time: Somewhere through my state of half-sleep I vaguely heard something being slid under my hotel room door… room-service I thought. Then I remembered that it was November 1st on the USA West Coast and I wondered why this Flight Club is always based on US time zones? Dragging myself out of bed I pulled on a robe and staggered over to where a plain brown envelope lay on the floor. I picked it up and tore it open to find 6 pages of papers stapled together. Placing them under my arm I poured a cup of hot Roy Bus tea (That’s Red Bush in Afrikaans, named for the South African plant the tea is made from). Opening the sliding door I sat on the veranda, which over-looked the pool eleven floors below, PHOTO_4 and began going over the details for this FOTM feature. What really struck me were the following comments:
“I will offer you a grand scheme of things and you may or may not divert from it.”
“But those are only suggestions of course.”
“Whatever you decide to do, make sure you have enough fuel for some overflights and low passes, because the Islands are really worth a close look.”
“…600 miles trip to FAAA (NTAA) on Tahiti, using R582, or Fly straight from NTSU to NTAA along G224…”
“Leg 4… and maybe 5 or more, depending on your Intentions when In Bora Bora.”
“…feel free to divert from my flightplan.”
“Enjoy the trip!” Okay, so we’re not staying locked in to a FIRM schedule this time – and I did plan on enjoying the trip! “Hello, Conceirge, I’d like a large map of everything from here to Tahiti if I may, please?” Now, just how big did I want this PIREP to be???? I had some grand plans!!!
At this point, in the real world, my computer completely died and was unrecognizable so this FOTM feature was put on indefinite HOLD.
After what seemed like an eternity I was able to load a brand new FS version (FS9 – new to me) onto a brand new computer (my wife’s new computer) which was running a brand new operating system. Basically, I was late and I was totally lost! It was looking more and more like I was going to have to cut this tour short – and that, my friend, is a cryin’ shame! Finally, and with no small amount of effort, I got the sim fired up and I loaded a classic South African Airlines 747SP. PHOTO_5 I worked up a route over Indonesia, Borneo and the Philippines, PHOTO_6 heading for Koror to the east. PHOTO_7
Next up was a Trans World Airways 747SP headed to Fiji with many points between. PHOTOS_ 8 - 9 - 10
Finally I ended up taking the Corsair 747SP island-hopping up to Majuro in the Marshall’s. PHOTO_11 The word was, Bumpy!
All-in-all I found the FOTM to be a bit harried – I was trying to figure out the new sim and new computer and trying to get done before 2006! I flew, I took photos but I didn’t, honestly, get to ENJOY the locations like I usually do.
From here I figured I was already late for my PIREP anyway, I may as well keep flying - So I took a Philippines 733 from the Marshall’s to Manila. PHOTO_12 Briefly the weather was okay but very soon were had solid undercast - with 5 miles visibility on finals. PHOTO_13
Next, I took a Pakistani 747SP from Manila to Beirut. This was an overnight flight, departing about 23:00 – no photos as arrival was fully coupled ILS into the haze of early morning.
Finally I flew a Lufthansa A318 (retro livery) from Beirut into Innsbruck, Austria. I trust that the photos will speak for themselves - Good thing I knew the approach because it was cloudy and dangerous, just as I had hoped! Merry Christmas Everyone. PHOTOS_ 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19