First Bill tells us about a new “Reality” show on TV where they take several non-athletic computer geek/nerd types and make them into a soccer team. The first match was against the (did I get this right?) local girls’ High School team…the geeks lost 11:0. I dunno, sounds to me like they are trying to give some poor geeks heart attacks.
“ALASTAIR! Bring the paddles!”
Then Brad releases this FOTM taking us to the World Cup in Germany. Now, I’m not quite sure what to do with this because here we are, a bunch of computer / flightsim nerds (or dorks as the case may be…) yet Brad seems to think that we’ll have an interest in sports? Ahhhh yes, its futball/soccer, the world’s most POPULAR sport – I guess this transcends even FS huh? Okay, I’ll comply, but I won’t fly our US team (or any other team) to their matches – mostly because I’d rather watch most any other team (besides USA) play.
In America when you have a bunch of fans going to a sporting event this can only mean one thing: TAILGATING! Often fans will go to the venue, park at the stadium, open the back of the van or truck and fire up the barbeque. They may arrive hours ahead of time to start the party or even if they don’t go in to the game, they’ll sit in the parking lot, watch on TV, have beer and sandwiches, cheer and run around generally acting like hooligans! So, we need fans, we need drivers, we need B-B-Qs, we need food, drink and other sustenance, we need vehicles and we need something to get us in and out of the games quickly and easily – assault-style maybe? We may also need a central place set up for sleeping cots, showers (HazMat Decons) and basic medical supplies if any member of our Flight Club should need that. According to my calculations then there is only one plane to get all that to Germany and one other plane which is needed to get us to / from all the games we’ll plan on watching…
Monday June 5th: The work to load the Flight Club C-5 Flagship starts at dawn at KOFC in Oregon. (pict1)Finally, by early afternoon we are ready for the 4,500-mile flight to Hannover, Germany (assuming that Hans’ wife would be willing to wash our clothes each day?) (pict2)Our route takes us northeast over Yakima Washington and up into Canada. We’ll leave North America over Baffin Island and then cross Greenland and Iceland before making landfall again near Kirkwall in the UK and arriving into Hanover – hopefully the next morning. (pict3)The night passes quickly flying east at northern latitudes! (pict4)

Tuesday, June 6th, 09:58: Coming in from the north ATC clears us to land on runway 27R. Once parked safely, out of the way on the apron, near the center runway, we begin setting up “camp.” Later that same afternoon our other ride arrives – the Flight Club C-130! (pict5) Great Shot don't you think?
For the rest of the FOTM, try to keep up:
1- June 9th to Munich for the 18:00 game Germany vs Costa Rica (After the expensive airport fee here I decide to look for smaller or municipal airfields near the stadiums)
2- June 10th to Dortmund for the 18:00 game Trinidad vs Sweden
3- June 11th to Leipzig for the 15:00 game Serbia vs Netherlands
4- June 12th to Kaiserslautern for the 15:00 game Australia vs Japan
5- Then we quickly continued back to Hanover for the 21:00 game Italy vs Ghana. (The others didn’t care too much about this game but I like both these teams so this was Flounder’s Choice)
6- June 13th to Stuttgart for the 18:00 game France vs Switzerland
7- June 14th to Dortmund for the 21:00 game Germany vs Poland
8- June 15th to Nuremburg for the 18:00 game England vs Trinidad
9- June 16th to Stuttgart for the 18:00 game Netherlands vs Ivory Coast
10- June 17th to Kaiserslautern for the 21:00 game Italy vs USA
11- June 18th to Munich for the 18:00 game Brazil vs Australia (Lots of simmers in Brazil too!)
12- June 19th to Stuttgart for the 21:00 game Spain vs Tunisia
13- June 20th to Berlin for the 16:00 game Ecuador vs Germany (Hey Brad, where’s the Peruvian team??)
14- June 21st to Leipzig for the 16:00 game Iran vs Angola (Another great match for Flounder!!)
15- June 22nd to Stuttgart for the 21:00 game Croatia vs Australia
16- June 23rd to Kaiserslautern for the 16:00 game Saudi vs Spain

From this point on, your virtual pilot needs a rest – you all are on your own. Brad, kinda like your air show theme, (February 2005) this sounded really simple but get flying it and man, we had some FUN here! Thanks for the great suggestion.
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