27 June 2008

December 2006 - Kagoshima, Japan

Well, do you really want all of the details? It had been a long time (or at least it had felt like a long time) since I had flown a Feature Flight. I last left off having landed the F-14 Tomcat back into St. Maarten after completing Alejandro's November feature.

From there I had some contract work to do in Colombia so I flew an EMB-170 in to Caracas. Then the Flight Club's A-318 in to Bogota.

After several weeks of flying around this scenic, challenging and beautiful nation I flew the Flight Club's 732 down to Quito, Ecuador where I caught a Pan Am 757 to Honolulu.

Really, the story picks up here because I had to resurrect some photos from Bill's FOTM back from January 2004 between Tokyo and Osaka. I flew an Eastern 744 from Honolulu into Narita,

and I tell you, nothing calms a heavy approach like a little http://www.plr.org/. I then took some local flights for photos around the city and Mt. Fuji.

Next I took a JAL 777 down to Osaka/Kansai followed by an A-7 Corsair II over to Itami. Now I was ready for this FOTM.

Tim asks us to get to Kagoshimi or Keikosushi or something like that so I hopped a Pacific Airways Island Dash-8 for the flight down.

Once there I took an old TBM Avenger around the bay, by the volcano and over to the nearby air base - where many Kamakazee flights were launched during World War II. Boy was it a bumpy ride! After returning to Kagoshima it was time to head off for the January flight in Greece. I took the Flight Club's PC-12 over to Nagasaki and from there, I took a futuristic B-52 bomber directly in to Athens, the old airport.

You can see more of the flights by watching my video report on: http://www.putfile.com/pretendpilot (Just look for December06-Japan)

Thanks for the flight Tim, it was nice to see a little bit of southern Japan - I'd not flown here before. It was a bit overcast and really bumpy but then again, it's winter so what would you expect. I'd love to visit sometime - Well Done!
