After a lovely month in Cape Town, South Africa (thanks Hans) I was off to Western Australia.
Back in February 2004 at least six of us joined up for a live, on-line session of flying. The results were quite mixed and so far as I know we have not tried to coordinate getting ALL of us on-line again since that time. But, according to my information, Bill found all the chatter distracting enough that he wanted us to fly this again in the peace and quiet of our own little cockpits – without Alastair interrupting all the time to say things like: "Cheerio Chap"; "It’s a Jolly Good Time!"; "Do it for the Queen"; "Crumpets and Tea"; "Over-and-out" and things like that. So it was that Bill asked us to re-enact our tour of South Western Australia – this time without Hans always blurting in asking, "Can anyone hear me??" and without Salina typing frantically across the screens..

Back in February 2004 at least six of us joined up for a live, on-line session of flying. The results were quite mixed and so far as I know we have not tried to coordinate getting ALL of us on-line again since that time. But, according to my information, Bill found all the chatter distracting enough that he wanted us to fly this again in the peace and quiet of our own little cockpits – without Alastair interrupting all the time to say things like: "Cheerio Chap"; "It’s a Jolly Good Time!"; "Do it for the Queen"; "Crumpets and Tea"; "Over-and-out" and things like that. So it was that Bill asked us to re-enact our tour of South Western Australia – this time without Hans always blurting in asking, "Can anyone hear me??" and without Salina typing frantically across the screens..
Since this was Bill’s flight and since he was the one who found it funny to make a comic strip of my first Africa FOTM (June 2004), I felt that it was only appropriate to fly this as only Bill could fly it! [ PHOTO 1 ] (I should dampen my last comment by saying that Bill’s job on my March 2005 flights (plural "s") was quite phenomenal!)

What follows then, is a pictorial summary of my Western Australia flights (you’ll need to open the pictures to read the texts): [ Pix 2 ][ Pix 3 ][ Pix 4 ][ Pix 5 ][ Pix 6 ][ Pix 7 ][ Pix 8 ][ Pix 9 ][ Pix 10 ][ Pix 11 ][ Pix 12 ][ Pix 13 ][ Pix 14 ][ Pix 15 ][ Pix 16 ][ Pix 17 ][ Pix 18 ][ Pix 19 ][ Pix 20 ][ Pix 21 ][ Pix 22 ][ Pix 23 ][ Pix 24 ][ Pix 25 ][ Pix 26 ]