06 November 2014

June 2014 - Scar Creek Revisited

It was February 2007 when Peter took us to Scar Creek, BC for several short hops into "bases" or camps that really were designed for rotorcraft. That FOTM was tough because it was cold and because the landing spots really weren't fit for landing aeroplanes. This month we'll be visiting Scar Creek again, in much more hospitable weather.
This FOTM came to me, actually, a couple of years ago when several of us were watching this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMDPuqUqOOI and I asked the guys, "Why do you like flying things like Beavers that lack power?" They said things like, "It's the journey that counts" or "Sometimes we don't want to go fast."
Well, no one said you have to go fast, just throttle back a bit! Besides, if the jet-powered one can get more cargo in and out of smaller places, isn't that a win-win situation? So anyway, I downloaded a Caravan Amphibian for FSX and then simply tweaked the CFG file for 25% more power. Fun! So this month we'll be taking some "SOUPED UP" bush planes back to Scar Creek for some flying. One little detail to keep in mind this month though: There will be no switching of aircraft!

Scar Creek (CBA7) is 140 miles North-Northwest of Vancouver BC and will be the official starting (and ending) point of this months' flights. (pict1)(pict2)
Scar Creek is 300 feet ASL,
2,700 feet long and
Scar Creek is actually in the Homathko River - Tatlayoko Protected Area. Once you arrive into Scar Creek, pull off the runway, shut down and open the doors. Once you have done that, you will be given the following instructions: (pict3)

Your flights this month will be timed. The pilot that can complete all requirements in the LEAST amount of time will be declared the winner. Sure, cheating would be easy but I think at this point we are all above that!

Stating at Scar Creek:
The clock starts when you hit "Shift+E" to close the doors.
Next you must start the engines.
Then you'll taxi onto the runway and depart.
(I hope you parked close!)
You may fly a straight line over the mountains (pict4)or a curving line around the mountains but your next location is Tsuniah Lake Lodge (CAF4). (pict5) At this location you must land on the 4,000-foot grass runway. (pict6)
You must come to a complete stop in a location where passengers and/or cargo can be safely unloaded.

Tsuniah Lake Lodge:
As soon as you stop (or before) you should shut down the engines.
As soon as it is safe, hit "Shift+E" to open the doors.
Note the time because you must be shut down with doors open for 15 minutes.
At precisely 15:00 minutes hit "Shift+E" to close the doors.
Then you'll start the engines and depart from the runway.
You may fly a straight line over the mountains or a curving line around the mountains but your next location is a small lake just to the SOUTH of Puntzi Mountain (CYPU). (pict7) (pict8)
You must land on the water. (pict9)
You must come to a complete stop in a location where passengers and/or cargo can be safely unloaded. (pict10) (pict11)

From the Little Lake:
As soon as you stop (or before) you should shut down the engines.
As soon as it is safe, hit "Shift+E" to open the doors.
Note the time because you must be shut down with doors open for 15 minutes.
At precisely 15:00 minutes hit "Shift+E" to close the doors.
Then you'll start the engines and depart from the water. (pict12)
Your next location is Chilanko Lodge (CBX3). At this location you may land on the 3,100-foot gravel runway OR on the water. (pict13)
You must come to a complete stop in a location where passengers and/or cargo can be safely unloaded. (pict14) (pict15)

Chilanko Lodge:
As soon as you stop (or before) you should shut down the engines.
As soon as it is safe, hit "Shift+E" to open the doors. (pict16)
Note the time because you must be shut down with doors open for 15 minutes.
At precisely 15:00 minutes hit "Shift+E" to close the doors.
Then you'll start the engines and depart from runway or water.
You may fly a straight line over the mountains or a curving line around the mountains but your next location is back at Scar Creek (CBA7) (pict17) (pict18) (pict19)
You must land on the 2,700-foot gravel runway. (pict20) (pict21)
You must come to a complete stop in a location where passengers and/or cargo can be safely unloaded.
As soon as you stop (or before) you should shut down the engines.
As soon as it is safe, hit "Shift+E" to open the doors.
Note the time.
The difference between your starting and ending time is your TOTAL TIME for this FOTM.

I started at 10:00 AM and flew NE to Tsuniah Lake Lodge.
I shut down at 10:16:42.
I started at 10:31:45.
I flew N to the Little Lake.
I shut down at 10:46:00.
I started at 11:01:00.
I flew W to Chilanko Lodge choosing water.
I shut down at 11:14:45.
I started at 11:30:00.
I flew S back to Scar Creek.
I shut down at 11:49:10. (pict22)
Your goal then is to complete this FOTM in roughly 1 hour:50 minutes. Sure, there are many aircraft that could "do" this FOTM but will you be able to pilot one that is the most versitile?