26 January 2012

September 2011 - Azores

Well to be honest, I knew that this FOTM from Jorge was coming so after getting the Shuttle parked and stored at Kennedy Space Center I departed at dawn (02-Aug) in the Flight Club's EMB-190 and headed directly to Santa Maria, Azores arriving just after lunch. (pict1) (pict2) I had been up all "night" with the Shuttle and only dozed off-and-on during the flight across the Atlantic so I knew I'd be ready to sleep once I arrived. When I stepped off the plane I felt something really unique - the air felt hot and dry yet I still could smell the freshness of the sea.
Now, the Azores is part of Portugal and Jorge is, in fact, from Porto. They speak Portugese in Brazil where they make the EMB-190 and so I stayed with the theme and had an EMB-120 modified for this FOTM. (pict3) Since I'd be in the cockpit I had all of the back seats removed and set up a nice cot and a recliner and a refridgerator and a portable propane stove and a little portable shower and all of the anenities I'd need for a month of relaxing in the Azores!
After a few days in Santa Maria I was ready to move on to my next stop-over which was Joao Paulo in Ponta Delgada. (pict4) (pict5) This is a pretty short, easy leg, almost a VFR flight. (pict6) I spent a few more days here before taking an afternoon flight up to Lejas. (pict7) (pict8) (pict9)
Despite the fact that there is a rather large Air Base here there really was nothing going on - it was eerily quiet. (pict10) The next day I was able to catch a bus into town and was able to get some supplies as well as tour all around the island. I spent nearly a week checking out all the little nooks and crannies of this charming island. Finally I departed at dawn for Santa Luzia on Pico. (pict11) (pict12) (pict13) (pict14)
There was a special treat waiting for me at Pico - the new Sliver, Blue and Red Flight Club-Themed P-51 Mustang! I took a couple of laps around Pico as well as a pass over Faial Island in the Mustang. (pict15) (pict16) (pict17) Later, I did some backpacking in the hills of Pico Island after a few days there I took a short, evening hop over to Horta. (pict18) (pict19)
I really enjoyed my time here and stayed nearly two weeks. (pict20) (pict21)
Finally I took the longest leg from Horta over to Flores. I didn't stay here quite as long, just about three days, before flying the EMB-120 back to Santa Maria. (pict22) (pict23) (pict24) (pict25) (pict26) (pict27)
Just a couple of days after this FOTM was published and I figured you all would be arriving, I departed in a TAP A-318 and flew to Lisbon where I'd wait out Joao's FOTM. (pict28) (pict29) (pict30) (pict31)