18 May 2021

Touring in the 9s legs ONE to THREE

The CV990 is an early 1960s design put up against the B707 and DC-8. Although the Convair was slightly faster, it lacked the capacity and efficiency of the other two and never saw real success.

The E190 is an early 2000s design put up as a more efficient version of the smallest Boeing and Airbus options and as a direct competitor to the Canadair CRJs.

I've thought that it could be entertaining to do a TOUR in these ... NINES.

It so happens that I'll be starting this little .... tour from Santiago, Chile. This first leg is in the E190 into one of my favorite FS locations, Puerto Montt.


Always scenic near majestic and towering mountains and surrounded by fresh water lakes.

Maybe a little BIG for Puerto Montt, I loaded up a CV990 and headed off on leg two to the beautiful city of Buenos Aires!. The area around Puerto Montt is spectacular even in my old FSX!


However, once you are clear of the mountains and over "Patagonia" it's a pretty flat, unremarkable flight until you approach Rio de la Plata and are setting up for finals into Buenos Aires.

From Buenos Aires we are into a SPECIAL Embraer jet commemorating the famous Brazilian F-1 racer, Ayrton Senna! We enjoy a beautiful departure over the city and then fly a northeasterly heading into .... RIO!!! (watch for the crossing 747 on finals!)
