09 May 2021

Military Advances in Commercial Aviation

There have been many instances of "crossovers" where aircraft have been used for both Military and Civilian Aviation. The DC-3 / C-47 for example. The DC-4 / C-54 is another. The B707 / KC-135 comes to mind and I'm sure that there are others. I was studying info about the B-36 Peacemaker recently (still America's largest-ever bomber)

and this is an AMAZING piece of 1940s technology! Consider if the Battle of Britain had resulted in a Nazi / German victory.... 😱 American Engineers were tasked with designing a bomber that could fly from the US to Central Europe to deliver a bomb payload and then return to the US without ever refueling! YIKES! 🤯 The B-36 could do this and although it was not utilized in World War 2, it became a stalwart of the Early Cold War; able to deliver atomic weapons deep into the Soviet Block. With this INCREDIBLE range (and a fuselage just centimetres narrower than a 737) I wondered WHAT IF...? 🤔 What if Engineers had designed a Commercial, Passenger version? Maybe call it the STRATO-DINER? (I mean, that scenic glass nose would be great for enjoying cocktails at 40,000 feet!!!) So, I downloaded a B-36 for my FSX. I tweaked the sound package for the giant props AND the whiny jets, and I added some windows and doors. Here it is, from 1948, the Intercontinental Strato-Diner!!! 😂

