10 October 2021

Touring in the 9s, FINAL

Over the summer (2021) I decided to fly a World Tour in the CV990 or E190. Then, for some longer flights, I added the B797-Concept.

Honolulu to Seattle: https://youtu.be/rR6qRDqVsEg

Seattle to San Diego: https://youtu.be/yo3U5hdF44U

San Diego to Mexico: https://youtu.be/iWfrwkZZOZc

Mexico to Quito: https://youtu.be/r_X-zxqsR64

Quito to Santiago: https://youtu.be/ZF7UBySpikw

26 June 2021

Touring in the 9s SE Asia

Armenia to Islamabad


Islamabad to Southern Thailand


Southern Thailand to Subic Bay


Subic Bay to Taiwan


Taiwan to Honolulu


12 June 2021

Touring in the 9s legs ELEVEN through SEVENTEEN

11 = https://youtu.be/t7dYlR3ee6o

12 = https://youtu.be/Lokm-TbfWIA

13 = https://youtu.be/IcLrIs7q_14

14 = https://youtu.be/iFabKbMg72c

15 = https://youtu.be/cefj9RsSTA0

16 = https://youtu.be/OlKKgKtcgMY

17 = https://youtu.be/4yHT-8Q88aw

09 June 2021

Touring in the 9s; Legs NINE and TEN

Since last post I ended up with the E-190 in Addis and the DC-9 in Kenya I figured I'd have to start this with getting BOTH aircraft into Addis.


Okay, all of my aircraft now in Addis ..... Time to head "Out of Africa" so to speak. Into the CV990 again and heading west to Ivory Coast.


From there it's onward to the Canary Islands --- https://youtu.be/Wnx9V7KwpNY

27 May 2021

Touring in the 9s legs SIX to EIGHT

hhCape Town has been a favorite (and scenic) stopover location ever since my Real World visit in 1973.

After safely arriving into Cape Town in the CV990, (and after a short city/harbor tour), I hopped over into the E-190 and headed up the Central Heart of Africa.


Another favorite (and different kind of scenic) FS destination is Livingstone, Zambia. Along the mighty Zambezi River and with easy access to Victoria Falls!


(video includes a little fly-over of FSX's rendition as well as a couple real world photos) Our next stop-over is in Bujumbura, Burundi (mis-labelled in the video)

And finally on this report, the flight(s) out of Bujumbura. https://youtu.be/f_c3eJco0Ws

One to Addis and One to Mombasa.


26 May 2021

Touring in the 9s legs FOUR and FIVE

Basically, these two legs are ONE FLIGHT.


We left Rio in the CV990 and flew across open ocean for hours until our dusk landing at the new-and-improved St. Helena island airport. (arguably the most remote airport in the world)

The next morning we "hoisted sails" and set off for another few hours across open ocean to Cape Town, South Africa.


18 May 2021

Touring in the 9s legs ONE to THREE

The CV990 is an early 1960s design put up against the B707 and DC-8. Although the Convair was slightly faster, it lacked the capacity and efficiency of the other two and never saw real success.

The E190 is an early 2000s design put up as a more efficient version of the smallest Boeing and Airbus options and as a direct competitor to the Canadair CRJs.

I've thought that it could be entertaining to do a TOUR in these ... NINES.

It so happens that I'll be starting this little .... tour from Santiago, Chile. This first leg is in the E190 into one of my favorite FS locations, Puerto Montt.


Always scenic near majestic and towering mountains and surrounded by fresh water lakes.

Maybe a little BIG for Puerto Montt, I loaded up a CV990 and headed off on leg two to the beautiful city of Buenos Aires!. The area around Puerto Montt is spectacular even in my old FSX!


However, once you are clear of the mountains and over "Patagonia" it's a pretty flat, unremarkable flight until you approach Rio de la Plata and are setting up for finals into Buenos Aires.

From Buenos Aires we are into a SPECIAL Embraer jet commemorating the famous Brazilian F-1 racer, Ayrton Senna! We enjoy a beautiful departure over the city and then fly a northeasterly heading into .... RIO!!! (watch for the crossing 747 on finals!)


09 May 2021

Military Advances in Commercial Aviation

There have been many instances of "crossovers" where aircraft have been used for both Military and Civilian Aviation. The DC-3 / C-47 for example. The DC-4 / C-54 is another. The B707 / KC-135 comes to mind and I'm sure that there are others. I was studying info about the B-36 Peacemaker recently (still America's largest-ever bomber)

and this is an AMAZING piece of 1940s technology! Consider if the Battle of Britain had resulted in a Nazi / German victory.... 😱 American Engineers were tasked with designing a bomber that could fly from the US to Central Europe to deliver a bomb payload and then return to the US without ever refueling! YIKES! 🤯 The B-36 could do this and although it was not utilized in World War 2, it became a stalwart of the Early Cold War; able to deliver atomic weapons deep into the Soviet Block. With this INCREDIBLE range (and a fuselage just centimetres narrower than a 737) I wondered WHAT IF...? 🤔 What if Engineers had designed a Commercial, Passenger version? Maybe call it the STRATO-DINER? (I mean, that scenic glass nose would be great for enjoying cocktails at 40,000 feet!!!) So, I downloaded a B-36 for my FSX. I tweaked the sound package for the giant props AND the whiny jets, and I added some windows and doors. Here it is, from 1948, the Intercontinental Strato-Diner!!! 😂



01 May 2021

A new virtual airline

 With the dissolving of TOOMUCHFS.COM I joined with Platinum Airways  (PLATINUMAIRWAYS.ORG) featuring an "Open Skies Format" of any aircraft,  any time to any airport.   Here are a couple of examples:





There's also more on Instagram  @platinumairwaysva 

24 April 2021

Resurrection of the Phoenix

 Well,  the toomuchfs.com website is done / down but the livery (a livery, an updated livery known  as the "Bee") lives on, on YouTube. 

Let me expand on this. The F.S FLIGHT CLUB was at www.toomuchfs.com for ten years flying all kind of aircraft to all kind of destination / challenges. When the frequent simming was dropping off we closed down the formal website. The "Board Members" have stayed in touch and I have continued to fly my FSX. Over the years I have added or tweaked some liveries, finally ending up with the "Bee Livery" noted above (and video links at the bottom of this post).

Not satisfied to just fly myself around, I have done some on-line flights and eventually joined with a new "Open Sky", Virtual Airline (featured in the next post). I have not regularly joined with other simmers or shared FS Projects but I shall work to share some flights and some fantasies and some stories here on this blog in the future.

Stay Tuned!





