There I was in southern Chile, when the invite came to see a city that is quite hilly.
So I flew a plane I should fly more, (pict2) over to Brazil's eastern shore. (pict3)
So I flew a plane I should fly more, (pict2) over to Brazil's eastern shore. (pict3)
From there I flew all night on a Luxury Liner, (pict4)
to a city by a bay that couldn't be finer. (pict5)
Now you're probably wondering what I'm up to,
Rhymes all month? Would I do that to you?
Actually I thought I might, rhyme this and rhyme that,
or just link to a video to show where I'm at.
But alas, the computer was fighting a video to shoot,
so maybe with my rhymes will score some loot.
San Francisco, the city by the bay
where I had a good time flying for at least a day! (pict6)
I flew a plane that's as big as any Bill has seen, (pict7)
'til I ran outta gas, a disaster that could have been. (pict8)
From there I hopped into something old and "sporty" 

From Alcatraz to the Golden Gate (pict12)
From the carrier I rode in a plane that's faster, (pict15)
we played chase and showed those AI flights who was Master.
Lastly I flew over one of our past featured flights, (pict17)

Lastly I flew over one of our past featured flights, (pict17)
down to a city where I've spent a few nights. (pict18)
Thanks Bill, for your scenic F-O-T-M,
odd that we hadn't flown here before then. (pict19)
Maybe in another decade or two,
we'll come down under to visit you!
Meanwhile give our greetings to your family there,
and I'll do the same to everyone here - including the hare.
From here I'm off to who-knows-where,
Hans knows, he's already been there!
I can tell you this, we'll see California again,
it'll be August if not before then. (pict20)