Step One: Get from Key West to Duluth, MN in another aircraft that I had never before flown. (B-2 Bomber)
Step Two: Get from Duluth, MN to Kenora in an Air Canada Dash-8 (Like you've never seen me use one of those before...)
Step Three: Decide what to fly for this FOTM:
*There's the Default Caravan Amphibian which I've never used for a PIREP before but something says that this isn't the best choice (Although my son loves flying that so maybe....) *There's the Hall Flying Boat which I used along the Amazon in July 2008.
*There are repaints of a Twin Otter on Floats which I used in September 2003 in Victoria, BC and again in June 2008 in Mali.
*There is the float version of the Gippsland Nomad. (I used the wheeled version in February 2007 into Scar Creek, BC)
*There's a Turbo Beaver which I used in both January and March of 2005 (In Malaysia and Norway).
*I have a Bombardier "Super Scooper" FireBomber which has made appearances in July 2003 (Hawaii), March 2006 (Oregon Firefighting) and you'll see it again briefly in December 2008 (You'll have to see the YouTube video).
*I could use a PBY Catalina which you saw in May 2008...
*Or there's the Grumman Goose that popped up briefly in February 2008...
*OH! I have an old Boeing Clipper which you've never seen me fly, but I think that's a bit big for this undertaking. (Speaking of which, note to self: Check http://www.flightsim.com/ for a Spruce Goose.)
*But ultimately, considering the theme of the repaint and the Canadian Registration, I'll have to go with the DeHavilland Turbo Beaver "Raven" for this FOTM. You saw it in the Florida Keys in May but who cares, it should be perfect for this assignment from our own "Radical Cleric."
Okay, leg one: Kenora to Red Lake I loaded up the "Raven" and Real Weather for Sunday October 5th. Looking at the map view there's not just a lot of lakes out there - we're in the middle of SWAMPLAND!! (pict4) As I taxied out I was looking up and reading more about this area of the world (always try and learn a little something along the way) and found this real-world photo to share (pict5). Okay, anyway, I taxied out to the active, (pict6) called ATC and requested VFR - Flight Following and took to the skies. (pict7) I cruised along happily at just over 2,000 feet. (pict8) (pict9) (pict10) Real weather showed progressively decreased visibility but using the VOR and NDB I was easily able to find the Red Lake airport (pict11) and landed (pict12) in the water nearby. I parked on the edge of the shoreline for an hour or so while I strolled up to the airport for some lunch. (pict13)

Leg two: Red Lake to Pikangikum After climbing back up into the Raven's cockpit I started the big turbo motor and taxied back out into the water, once a safe distance from shore I .... eased the throttle forward and took off, (pict14) circling back over the VOR to pick up my outbound radial. (pict15) The ground was a little higher here, still flat but I cruised at 3,000 feet this time. Nearing the end of this FOTM I was interested to see a large patch of DRY GROUND - Amazing! (pict16) (pict17) Once again I landed near the airport, (pict18) this time taxiing all the way onto airport property (pict19) coming in through the trees! (pict20) All-and-all, pretty fun.

Leg three: "Sending Benjamin off to find a fishin hole" Since I've not included a Default Caravan in a FOTM PIREP yet I let Ben take his turn. (pict21) After instructing him to 1) fly towards the S and 2) not hit any trees, he headed off to the east, (pict22) eventually turning south to land on an S-shaped body of water nearby - this was maybe 30 miles east of Pikangikum? (pict23) He assured me that there was plenty of good fish in this lake. (pict24)

The final conclusion to this FOTM is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T5Ix54ZNTQ and I gotta tell you, I think it will be worth watching!
Brad, thanks for the education and challenge up in the wild wetlands of Canada.